Advisory Board
Advisory Board members are appointed by the iDMAa board to serve two-year terms. Current advisory members represent forward-thinking academic institutions and industry leaders around the world, including:
Larry Abed, Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media, DePauw University
Doreen Bartoni, Columbia College Chicago
Tim Beekman, CEO, Safari Montage
Paul Catanese, Columbia College Chicago
Ken Cole, Notre Dame University
Brian Evans, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa
Peg Faimon, Miami University
Rafael Fajardo, University of Denver
Sue Gollifer, University of Brighton (UK)
Bryan Gray, CEO, MediaSauce
K. Hariharan, L.V. Prasad Film & TV Academy (India)
Steven M. Hernstadt, Iowa State University
Randall Hoyt, University of Connecticut
Michelle Kasprzak, New Media Scotland
G. Christopher Klug, Carnegie Mellon University
Kurt Kratchman, COO, Grapeshot and Venture Partner, Winnick & Company
Mary Agnes Krell, University of Sussex (UK)
Jack Lew, Laguna College of Art and Design
Daniel Lewis, Miami Dade College
Ping Li, North American Vice President, International Federation of Multimedia Associations
Karen Mangia, Cisco Systems
Michael Moshell, University of Central Florida
Jonathan Rand, President, Organic Motion
Mat Rappaport, Columbia College Chicago
Sharon Ross, Columbia College Chicago
Gail Rubini, Florida State University
Mahesh Senegala, Ball State University
Mirella Shannon, Columbia College Chicago
John Sharp, Georgia Institute of Techology
Suzi Webster, Emily Carr University of Art & Design (Canada)
Arlen Card, Utah Valley University
Julia Griffey, Webster University
Robert Fraher, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Matthew Nelson, Bradley University
Yana Sakellion, American University
Michael Rabby, Washington State University Vancouver